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Biggar High School


EMA is available to young people between 16 and 19 years of age and is awarded depending on your household’s gross taxable income and the number of other *dependent children living with you.

  • If you are 16 years of age or over before 1 October, you may be eligible for an EMA from August, the beginning of school term
  • If you are 16 years of age between 1 October and 28 February, you may be eligible for an EMA from January.
  • Young people eligible from August must have their applications submitted by 30 September to be considered from August. Applications received after this date will be considered from the week that their completed application is received
  • Young people eligible from January must have their applications submitted by 28 February to be considered from January. Applications received after this date will be considered from the week that their completed application is received
  • The cut-off date for processing application forms for the academic year is 31 March. No applications will be processed after this date
  • The household income used in the assessment is the gross taxable income from the previous financial year. However, if there has been a significant change in a household’s income, the gross taxable income from the current financial year (April to March) can be estimated and considered. Checks may be required throughout the current financial year to confirm continued eligibility.

Further information and an application form are available on the South Lanarkshire Council Website Link

Any clarification of this application process should be sought form your Pupil Support teacher in the first instance.