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Biggar High School

Pupil Support

Biggar High School’s Pupil Support Team aims:

  • To ensure that each pupil knows and is known personally and in some depth by at least one member of staff.
  • To monitor individual pupil progress, and help them set challenging but realistic personal targets.
  • To aid each pupils’ personal, social and intellectual development.
  • To help each pupil to be aware of their own development and to accept responsibility for it to ensure they become successful learners.
  • To identify and respond quickly and appropriately to the specific needs of each individual.
  • To foster the development of good relations between teachers and pupils.
  • To help pupils develop consideration for others and develop confidence.
  • To liaise with parents/ carers and support services in the interests of the pupil.
  • To systematise and make effective the recording and communication of information relevant to the welfare and progress of individual pupils. Pupil Support is a central and on-going aspect of school organisation, and not simply a response to specific occurrence or crisis.

Currently five members of school staff carry specific responsibilities for the welfare and guidance of school students and also the delivery of Personal and Social Education.

The Personal and Social Education (PSE) programme has a number of themes which run through a pupil’s life at school – careers education, health education (including anti-bullying), target setting, citizenship, changes in life, study skills and covering all the relevant Health and Wellbeing indicators for A Curriculum for Excellence

Health Education includes topics such as substance misuse, relationships and sex education. The PSE programme aims to assist young people to make informed and responsible choices. It also fosters self awareness, self-esteem and respect for others.

Important support, advice and ground-work is done with seniors to prepare for university, further education, training and employment and senior pupils are encouraged to identify relevant and appropriate volunteering/work experience opportunities out-with the normal timetabled curriculum.

Specialised support, advice and counselling are provided at particularly important times: at P7/S1 transfer through close liaison with our primary schools in the Biggar Learning Community and at other significant transition times for our students- especially in relation to options choices and preparation for the life outside of school when a pupil leaves-S4-S6.

Parents should feel free to contact Pupil Support Staff at any time regarding concerns or worries they may have. The school is always keen to develop partnerships between the school and the home to offer support to our young people. We believe parental contacts are vital if appropriate support is to be offered. The Pupil Support Team will also contact parents as and when the need arises.