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Biggar High School


Just lost your job? Need some support and advice?



Biggar High School has, as part of our core vision, the care of families and our community at its heart. We work with our partners inSkills Development Scotland (SDS)to support our young people into employment, through apprenticeships and permanent employment, as well as Further and Higher Education every day. 

In the current economic climate, many of our families also face unstable employment opportunities, and very often this includes being made redundant. 

We are here to help. Our partners atSkills Development Scotland(SDS) have dedicated resources to help you find employment for the first time, or to get back into employment after a period of redundancy or unemployment. 

Thefirst piece of advice we can offer is to sign up on theMy World of Workwebsite, run by SDS at. You simply register and this site takes you through lots of different supportive stages and strategies. 

Support is offered, free and in confidence, by


This support is available viaPACE(Partnership Action for Continuing Employment) a Scottish Government initiative which brings together a range of organisations who each offer services to assist those in a redundancy situation. All services are free and confidential.                            

The followingPACEservices are available 

  • Information onaccessing benefitsand Jobcentre Plus vacancy service 
  • Individual Career Guidance interview toassist in identifying redundancy transition options   
  • CV and Interview Skills support 
  • Labour market Information andjob search assistance 
  • Welfare Rights advice 
  • Tax and money advice 
  • Information onTraining and Learning opportunitiesand accessingfunding 
  • Information onsetting up your own business 
  • Literacy and numeracy support 

Below is a link to youtube which explains what PACE offers. If it does not play, go to the link at 

PACE advice video

PACEcan offer support online via the My World of Work website at: https://www.myworldofwork.co.uk/

Go to the website to see whatPACEcan offer at: https://www.myworldofwork.co.uk/how-pace-services-can-support-you#advice

Redundancy help 


You can also find out aboutbenefitsyou may be entitled to at: https://www.gov.uk/benefits-calculators

Universal Credit

You may have to submit a claim forUniversal Creditat: https://www.gov.uk/universal-credit

If you need help making a claim online contact theUniversal Credithelpline on 

0800 328 5644 or textphone 0800 328 1344. 

Managing Your Finances

You may need some support in managing your finances at a time when your income is likely to be affected by redundancy or uncertainty. Support is available from the Money and Pensionservice at 

Money and Pension Service 

Mental Health Support

You may need some time to reflect and think about your own Mental Health and wellbeing and the NHS Inform site is a good signpost of support.


Citizens Advice Bureaux

The Citizens Advice Bureaux also offer free, confidential advice and support and can be found locally at 

Local CAB 

and their national website is at 


Current Vacancies

You can look forcurrent vacanciesand tailor your search to suit your own needs on the following websites 





Job Hub  

Getting a job 

Positive Steps

SDS provide lots of guidance and advice at 

Positive Steps 

Anyone who would like to speak with a careers adviser for career guidance, to discuss retraining or for support with job seeking, CVs or interviews can contactSDS via the redundancy helpline0800 917 8000 

There are lots of support provided by SDS, from creating a CV to practise for interviews. Have a look on their website pages below 





CV builder 

Application form help 

You may wish to upskill at this time and there are many free online courses you can apply for at 


Skills Development Scotland is a one-stop shop to help you get back into employment or indeed should you think of a career change. They are funded by the Scottish Government and their services are free and confidential.