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Biggar High School

  • Dress Code

    DRESS CODE guidelines 2023/24

    We have carried out a dress code consultation following requests from pupils, parents and staff.

    As we finalise our dress code we are trying to make the guidelines as clear as possible so we are consistent with students.

    It is impossible to write a rule for every eventuality, but in the interests of fairness to the vast majority of our pupils who adhere to school rules there is the expectation that from August ALL pupils will adhere to this revised dress code, with the following conditions put in place:

    Following our round 1 Dress Code consultation the most popular option was Option A (current dress code). This option has been adapted and revised slightly taking on board the collective views/ observations of pupils, parents and carers and school staff.

    We understand that this may not be the option that you voted for, but it is the option that our whole school community has been most supportive of.

    One recurring theme of staff and parent responses was a request that we endeavour to enforce dress code more strictly. Therefore, Dress Code clothing will be available for any pupil who does not turn up wearing agreed dress code and parents/ carers will be contacted that morning and invited to support/ encourage future compliance with our agreed policy. 

    Hoodies can be worn to school, but they must ALWAYS be removed (along with all other outdoor jackets) when in class.

    Shorts are not part of dress code and so cannot be worn. An exception to this will be if special permission is given during hot weather in which plain black shorts would be allowed. Special permission would be granted via e-mail communication. 

    Option A -current Dress Code (revised): 

    • Collared shirt /polo shirt- plain white.
    • Jumper/cardigan/sweatshirt/fleece- plain black or plain black with BHS badge.
    • Plain black trousers; plain black jogging bottoms (no logos); plain black leggings (no logos or mesh inserts); plain black skirt (appropriate length).
    • Biggar High School tie – optional.
    • Blazer – optional.
    • Footwear – black footwear preferred.

    In addition:

    o      Outdoor jacket/ hoodie – own choice but (as noted previously) should not be worn in class.

    o      PE Kit-shorts or leggings, T shirt-own choice of colour (if leggings are worn, they MUST be any colour other than black). 

    • Polo shirts with the school name and badge, and sweatshirts with school name and badge are available for order. Plain alternatives are wholly acceptable and widely available.  

    Additional Guidelines:

         Stripes, checks, pinstripes or logos (other than the BHS badge) are not acceptable on any dress code clothing.

         No vest tops or shorts, please.

        Tops and bottoms should meet in the middle.

        Jewellery items must take account of Health & Safety requirements.

        No 'fashion ripped clothing' items such as trousers and tights.

     Formal Dress Code:

    There will continue to be a formal dress code expectation of white shirt and school tie for formal occasions and where pupils are representing the school at outside events.

    Completely unacceptable dress code items:

    It is not appropriate to wear short- or low-cut tops/ trousers/ skirts.

    The following items are banned by South Lanarkshire Council and pupils may be refused entry to classes if they ignore this list:

    Banned items of clothing are those which:

    Potentially encourage faction (such as football colours) ;

    Could cause offence (such as anti-religious symbolism or political slogans) ;

    Could cause health and safety difficulties, e.g. loose fitting clothing, dangling earrings;

    Are made from a flammable material.

    Could cause damage to flooring;

    Carry advertising for alcohol or tobacco. 

    Dress Code Images