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Biggar High School

Treat Me Well

Health & Wellbeing (HWB) at Biggar High School


Our vision for Health and Wellbeing at Biggar High School: to remove barriers and to put in place necessary supports to enable each member of the school community to achieve their fullest potential (by ensuring that they are safe, healthy, achieving, nurtured, active, respected, responsible and included)

Treat Me Well

“Treat me Well” is South Lanarkshire Council’s anti-bullying policy developed in line with Respect for All, the National Approach to Anti-bullying for Scotland’s Children and Young People, November 2017. 

In line with our overall vision for Health & Wellbeing, everyone at Biggar High School works to maintain a safe, supportive environment where:

  • young people can be happy
  • through respectful attitudes and actions, young people can enjoy their rights and enable others to have their rights. 
  • by promoting positive relationships throughout the school community, we create a culture where bullying is unacceptable
  • every person in Biggar High School experiences an environment that is free from bullying. 
  • we are pro-active in challenging bullying
  • if individuals experience difficulties with bullying, they can expect help and know who can help them
  • those providing help will follow a consistent and effective approach in dealing with and preventing bullying.

What is Bullying?

In Scotland, “Bullying is both behaviour and impact; what someone does and the impact it has on the other person’s capacity to feel in control of themselves. We call this their sense of ‘agency’. Bullying takes place in the context of relationships. It is behaviour that can make people feel hurt, threatened, frightened and left out and it can happen face to face and online”. (Respectme, 2015)

How does Biggar High School deal with bullying?

  • Once a bullying allegation / incident has been disclosed to a member of staff, it will be investigated by the appropriate PTPS with the involvement of the relevant Year Head if necessary.
  • The investigation will involve interviewing all those who are engaged in the bullying behaviour and, where appropriate, witnesses. 
  • If it is determined that, having examined the incident in line with the definition above, bullying is involved or not involved, then:
    • the matter will be dealt with using the school’s behaviour management and bullying and equalities policies. 
    • all those involved will be informed of outcomes and details of actions taken logged as appropriate.

Additional Resources

Treat me Well Additional Sources