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Biggar High School


Equity Support

We encourage all Biggar High parents/ carers who find themselves in a situation- at any point in their child’s school career- where they cannot financially support their child for whatever reason, to contact their child’s Pupil Support teacher in the first instance- directly and/ or confidentially via this ’Equity’ link- and have a supportive conversation that will hopefully lead to the school being able to offer the appropriate support/ resource provision to allow their child to receive as full and as rounded a school experience as possible.



Elizabeth Clingan - gw19clinganelizabeth@glow.sch.uk


Gillian Richardson Anderson (Tuesday/Wednesday) gw07richardsongilli2@glow.sch.uk
Donal Good Anderson gw07gooddaniel@glow.sch.uk
Donna MacKintosh Burns gw07mackintoshdonna2@glow.sch.uk
Stephen Pratt Wallace gw07prattstephen2@glow.sch.uk
Kate Retson gw07retsonkathryn@glow.sch.uk
Lorraine Sim Youth, Family & Community Learning gw07simlorraine3@glow.sch.uk


Our equity policy ‘Cost of a School Day’ can be found in the ‘Policies and Documents’ tab on the website and our Pupil Equity Funding this year has been allocated to providing Youth Work support, additional classroom assistant provision and funding for individual pupils circumstances allowing them, wherever possible to access all aspects of school life and achieve their full potential.