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Biggar High School

Support for Learning

Biggar High School have a clear framework for identifying a weakness when either pupil, parent or teacher raises a concern. This has been designed in collaboration with the Dyslexia Scotland Toolkit.  

Support for Learning provides support to all pupils, with a particular emphasis on the pupils who have been identified as having long-term additional support needs.  

All pupils with an identified Additional Support Need will have an individual pupil profile. This details strengths, areas for development and a detailed description of the type of additional support each individual needs. These are updated on a regular basis.  

Regular links are made with Psychological Services, Visual Impairment, Hearing Impairment and Specialist Support teachers, mainly from the Clydesdale Locality Extended Support Team.  

Support is provided in a variety of ways including:  

  • In class additional support via our experienced team of School Support Assistants. 
  • Co-operative teaching, which provides opportunity for more direct teaching of individual pupils and for better management of group work   
  • Developing and adapting teaching materials and methods which allows the curriculum to be better matched to the needs and abilities of some pupils  
  •  Consultation with subject teachers and advice on the availability of suitable materials and approaches.  
  • ICT to support pupils with particular areas of weakness.  
  • Individualised programmes to support Literacy, Numeracy and Wellbeing. 
  • Individual case conferences. 

Working with Other Agencies  

In order to provide appropriate support for all pupils, Biggar High School staff collaborate closely with a number of other agencies.  There is regular contact with the Clydesdale Area Behaviour Support Team, Youth, Family and Community Learning, Educational Psychology, and Social Work.  We also work with the Children’s Panel and police as appropriate. The formal mechanism for involving these agencies is through an internal Resource Allocation Meeting or through case-centred multi-agency meetings.  Where neither of the above interventions prove successful a pupil may be referred to our Area Joint Assessment Team.  

Parental approval is always sought before any outside agency starts work with an individual pupil.  

Further information is detailed in the documents below.